Twice Shy
Twice Shy is a modern, coming-of-age drama that revolves around a young, unmarried couple who set off on a road trip from Nenagh to London to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. The pregnancy looms over their young lives as they move from school to college and presents an insurmountable hurdle along their path to adulthood. The film reveals the tentative and tender nature of their young relationship as scenes of their intense journey are interwoven with flashbacks to happier, simpler times.
The independent film features sensitive and natural performances from young leads Shane Murray-Corcoran and Iseult Casey with warm and assured support from seasoned stars Ardal O’ Hanlon and Pat Shortt.
Set at a time not long before the repeal of the 8th Amendment of the Constitution Act in 2018, the film reminds us of the added difficulty faced by young women dealing with crisis pregnancies as they were forced to travel abroad to avail of abortion services.
Shane Murray-Corcoran (Andy O'Meara) , Iseult Casey (Maggie Collins) , Ardal O'Hanlon (Brendan O'Meara) , Pat Shortt (Pat Collins)
Ireland, UK